Peripheral Heart Action Training PHAT Peripheral heart action (PHA) training as a valid substitute to high intensity interval training to improve resting cardiovascular changes and autonomic adaptation Dennis Lee Study Reviewed Peripheral heart action (PHA) training as a valid substitute to high intensity interval training to improve resting cardiovascular changes and autonomic adaptation. History Peripheral heart action (PHA) training is a system of conditioning developed by Dr. Arthur Steinhaus in
Freediving Photography Freediving photography opens up a new world of fun underwater. It can be just as much fun to create artistic freediving shots as it can be to explore reefs, spot/shoot marine life and view underwater geographical features. Freediving photography can look very realistic, or can be taken to the other extreme of looking out of this world combined with plenty of editing. Kieran Leary Types of Cameras First
The Evolution of Freediving Instructor course handout Scott Flory There are 2 areas of freediving that really grab my attention. First, the history of free diving is incredible and not commonly know or even thought about among most. Second, the gear or lack thereof, that was once used and how advancements in materials enhance our ability to move through the water more efficiently and safely. History, the roots of free
Freediving Pool Coach Instructor course handout Buceo Libre para Prof/Licenciados en Educación Física, Guardavidas y Técnicos en Natación/Actividades acuáticas. Conectando el universo de la educación formal con el buceo libre moderno Facundo Yáñez Presentación Este trabajo intenta sentar algunas bases y reflexiones hacia la creación de un programa de estudio que permita a Licenciados en Educación Física, Guardavidas, Técnicos en Natación y en Actividades Acuáticas profundizar sobre la temática, adquirir
Entrenamiento en seco de fortalecimiento y elasticidad de los tejidos que forman el sistema respiratorio Instructor course handout Marc Jubani Introducción La forma más segura de aumentar la profundidad de falla es reducir el RV (volumen residual pulmonar) en relación al TLC ( capacidad pulmonar total). La reducción del RV es una adaptación física y como tal, no sucede de la noche a la mañana. Estos tejidos necesitan tiempo y